Localisation in a nutshell

When developers need to be helped quickly to prepare an interface for localisation, the „please do as I say, because God wanted it so” method seems to be the winning strategy.

How to mess up UI strings

Marta Bartnicka, inspired by Bogna Czyżewska I have put together a few examples of placing user interface strings in code. After working several years in the localization industry, all professional translators have a feeling that there must be some reason why programmers usually manage the strings wrong: in such a way that makes it hard not only to translate UI, but – in the first place – to extract the…

Game LocAIzation – About AI in Game Localization

his is how Midjourney imagines "artificial intelligence taking over the world in video game style"​.

If it’s the beginning of 2023, everybody and their uncle is talking AI. Is it worth the hype? Ewa Dacko shares her experiences with AI in game localization.

HALP: How to Address Localization Problems

Illustration generated by Midjourney AI

The number of different localization-related issues and challenges can be a real pain in the neck at times, but as you gain experience and learn the basics, the chaotic struggle against language transforms into an organized set of conscious actions aimed at reaching a specific goal. The first step towards reaching this goal is to learn about the challenges you may encounter. Bartłomiej Piątkiewicz presents three of the most common types of localization challenges so that you can better address them when they stand in your way.

I went to the Game Quality Forum and all I got was this lousy t-shirt*

Game Quality Forum 2022

Ewa Dacko shares her takeaways and insights from the Game Quality Forum 2022.

Localization testing: QA or linguists?

In the spring of 2022, we – Ewa Dacko and Marta Bartnicka – started a new workshop on testing localization. The workshop premiered on test:fest in Wrocław, with participants being QA practitioners, „the real testers” who wanted to learn how to test localization. Then, with exactly the same exercises, the training was held on Translating Europe Workshop in Warszawa for students of applied linguistics who wanted to learn testing as another skill in their translation and localization portfolio.
Running the workshop twice has inspired me to draw some conclusions about how QA approach the testing of localization vs. how linguists do it. Spoiler alert: there will be no clear answer as to who are the ultimate best testers, but rather observations about the strengths of the two groups.

Lista kontrolna dla testerów lokalizacji

LQA checklist

Mamy to, teraz jeszcze tylko* przetestować lokalizację” – czyli właściwie CO? Ogólnie rzecz ujmując: to, jak nasz produkt (aplikacja, strona, gra…) wygląda i działa w wersjach przeznaczonych na inne rynki. Brzmi ambitnie? Pewnie tak. Nie jest jasne, jak się za to zabrać? Możliwe.

Dlatego podrzucamy ściągę! Oto lista kontrolna dla testerów lokalizacji, przygotowana na warsztaty prowadzone przez Martę Bartnicką i Ewę Dacko podczas konferencji test:fest 2022.

The challenge of video game localization: Why one does not simply walk into the loc industry

One does not simply walk into the loc industry

Bartłomiej Piątkiewicz explains why working in localization is not a piece of cake, and neither is acquiring the relevant knowledge.

Tłumacz, pisarz, akrobata

Masz doświadczenie w tłumaczeniach, postanawiasz przekwalifikować się na dokumentalistę (technical writera). W Twoim nowym miejscu pracy wszyscy bardzo się cieszą, że wniesiesz doświadczenie na temat lokalizacji, która dzięki Tobie będzie przebiegać lekko, łatwo i przyjemnie.
Strona Łukasza Drobnika przybliża dokumentalistom przygotowanie treści do tłumaczenia.

Next door neighbours: Localization and Technical Communication

Localization often takes a back seat in the content creation process – the last step on the road to delivering solid, consistent, high-quality global content. Yet, content developers need to keep localization in mind right from the get-go.
Marta Bartnicka on building a bridge between technical communication and localization.